Huge collection of Steve Jobs videos

For the Steve Jobs and Apple fans out there, here is an almost complete collection of Steve Jobs videos all at one place. Read on.

An almost complete collection of videos on Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Inc., is shared recently on - a Facebook based video-sharing site. is a Los Angeles based video start-up is a kind of video based social-networking approach. The site aggregates videos posted by its members as well as your friends in Facebook and Twitter.

Scott Hurff, one of the founders of has shared this collection.

The collection has some very popular videos like the Stanford welcome address by Steve Jobs and also some less known videos like the narration by Steve Jobs about how a Macintosh 128K is made in 27 seconds. Watch the video here :


Okay now I can't resist from sharing the Steve Jobs' commencement address at Stanford : 

Well this is not all. There are many more videos like - Steve Jobs turning up at an Apple Store amongst fans ; Return of Steve Jobs back to Apple from NeXT etc.

Recommended Reading:  

[via thenextweb]


Devid rex said...

nice collection. thanks

thenetizens said...

Hi Devid,

Thanks for the compliment.. Do stay subscribed for our other articles too.