10 creative Google+ animated profiles


A collection of videos showing 10 awesome Google+ animated profiles.

Facebook timeline cover photos is one place where you can make use of some creativity. Google+ photos can also be used to design your profile in the same way.

Here below are videos showing 10 stunning Google+ profile designs.

1. Eric Cheng

2. Dunken.K.Bliths

3. Ralph Roberts

4. Trey Ratcliff

5. Evo Terra

6. Giles Pettipher

7. Jeremy Cupp

8. Adam Simmons

9. Anthony Widdowson

10. Daria Musk

Time to search for interesting GIF animated images to design your Google+ profiles.

Recommended Reading :

[via Mashable]

1 comment:

Maria said...

Cover photos have changed the ball game. Now you can create animated Google+ profile banners as a single big image - http://goo.gl/Vb6wE