It has been 5 years since Apple first introduced the iPhone. The first iPhone was unveiled on January 9, 2007 and released on June 29, 2007.
Back in 2007, not many smartphones were touch screen phones. And today in 2012, almost all the smartphones are touch screens. iPhone can be said as the reason for this huge transformation. Such a revolutionary product from Apple has changed the fate (read revenue/market capitalization) of Apple.
218,000,000 iPhone units sold in the past 5 years
iPhone Q1-2012 revenues more than Microsoft
Contribution of iPhone to Apple’s revenues
And finally Apple today is this big
Recommended Reading
The iPhone has literally changed Apple’s fate upside down…. Incredible technology introduced and this has brought Apple at the top.
The iPhone has literally changed Apple’s fate upside down…. Incredible technology introduced and this has brought href="">Apple at the top.
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