Get a free Facebook T-Shirt !


For users on Facebook, I guess this is what you kept seeing on your news feed for the past few weeks and spreading virally still.

So getting to the point, this is yet another spam on Facebook. With the ever increasing popularity of Facebook across the world, spammers have started eyeing the social networking sites as the next big target after spamming personal email accounts.


Interestingly in the case of social networking sites like Facebook, users themselves spread these messages instead of an automated code sending it to everyone. So, the only challenge for a spammer is to attract the user to click on the spam link so that the same status message / message is re posted onto the user’s wall again.

After getting used to free recharge coupons / talktime spams, the free facebook T-shirt spam has been the next biggest thing on fb !!

Friends / followers on Facebook please think once before clicking on such links. Atleast message your friend if he really got one shirt before directly clicking on such links. What if the link leads to a page where you are asked for a password and you give it !!

I wonder if Facebook is planning something to get rid of such spams. Is it so difficult to identify a rapidly spreading link on the user’s walls ? If this doesn’t stop, then no wonder it could be one of the reasons for users opting out of Facebook.